Tuesday, October 6, 2009


This word tends to make me think of things like refrigerators and trucks- they may not be new, but they're reliable, and they never give up on you.
Like this one:

Now, you might be thinking "Oh MY GOD, that is the ugliest refrigerator I have ever fucking seen. Ever.
Well, you're right. But my point is not it's looks.
I wish that my friends were all really ugly refrigerators.
That's a terrible thing to say, I know, but think about it this way: You have a choice between two refrigerators- a beautiful, shiny, high tech newbie, and an old, steady clunker.

Which would you really prefer? Something new and easily breakable and confusing, or something that's stood by you through exes and old pizza and your vegan phase?
I'd pick the latter.
So if you'd go for your sturdy bestie, lets bind together and make a change. Lets be the world's antiques, because we are made to last, and way more amazing than anything Apple can imagine.

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