Saturday, January 10, 2009


Oooh. This word's been popping up in my head more and more lately.
I don't like to admit it, but I am a very jealous person.
I constantly wish people liked me better than other people. Even if I know I'm not the person's best friend, I kind of wish I'd get picked over others. I have this craving for that. To be the best.
It bothers me when other people are picked over me as well.
I think I like it mostly because it means that they would fight for me.
And the idea of being fought for... well, that's just attractive on a whole other level.
What, you might ask, provoked my "jealous" rant?
I realised today just how jealous my beautiful, sexy, horrifyingly incredible girlfriend is. Which honestly, makes me feel incredibly cared for. ^_^
Peace, Sweethearts!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

White Velvet

My best friend told me that last year. Apparently, her mother told her, which led her to, giggling her head off, tell it to me later.
I've been running it through my head a lot these past few days. Its slowly sunken in, swirling about in my dark mind, and I've come to a few conclusions about it.
  1. Girls are like white velvet. Generally, we are stereotyped to be the cleaner sex... How often do you see a guy who gets picked on for smelling weird? How often for a girl? Girls are usually softer too... just in my experience.
  2. Why are girls the ones who get ostracized for being touched? If a boy gets touched, he's a hero. >.<
  3. When you touch white velvet, it doesn't always get dirty the first time. So I think a girl must be allowed to be touched a few times before this starts to really set in.Unless of course, you, like a girl at my school, allow the first time to be in the school's baseball dugout, and come to school with the evidence in your hair...
I guess you've gathered my thoughts- this quote sucks. People still want me... right? Each day, I am told that despite the curses I have thrown at myself, I am a coveted possession. A princess, a kitty, a vixen, and, to my Disaster, her little bitch.
Even angels lie sometimes. ;)
Talk to you later! Peace.