Friday, December 18, 2009

Florida (part one)

So, I'm actually sitting in our borrowed time-share apartment. It's been raining all day here, though it's been marginally warmer than back home, where I hear they are having the snowstorm of the century.
The train was... odd. I didn't sleep much, but it wasn't bad after I stopped getting sick.
The big suprise of the day yesterday was seeing my friend Incarnadine who lives in Lorton. I've never actually met her before, but we've been friends for probably about three years now, I suppose. We met on Now, I'm not advising that you go out and meet people you meet online in real life, that's not a good idea. I also don't advise giving them your address or phone number. However, Incarnadine and I were one of the good stories about online friends- we were both exactly who we said we were, even if she didn't remember my real name.
So far, we haven't really done anything, because we didn't arrive until 9:00 am, and we couldn't check in until 2:30pm. So we drove around for awhile, and looked at things, and when we checked in me and~ my littler siblings went swimming in one of the resort's seven pools. It was really chlorinated, actually. I know that sounds bratty and spoiled- the pool at our resort had too much chlorine, but I'm really not just bitching.
The timeshare was actually a stroke of luck, because friends of ours offered it to us for a really good rate, as opposed to paying thousands for the week we're spending here. My parents are using so many coupons, it's not even funny, and even still we can barely afford this. But yeah, it's been interesting. I'm so sleepy. XD
Going to take a nap soon, I think.
Oh, and I will have internet, so I should be posting pretty normally. :)
Love you!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


So this is less of a blog, and more of a preemptive strike. I'm going on vacation starting tomorrow morning, and I won't be back until New Years Day or so. I'm not sure if or when I'll be able to post, and even if I am, I'm not sure if I will. I will, at the very least, do a quick journal to myself daily, and I promise to upload pictures of the scenery (or me in very un-analyzable photos) when I get back. I won't put up pictures of my family (sorry!) but I do promise to get some pictures for you.
Where are we going, you ask?
We are going to Florida. Orlando. We're taking the auto-train down. So if you're riding Amtrak to Florida tomorrow, and you see a strange girl carrying a parasol(yes, it came in time), yell Disasters.Bitch, and maybe I'll turn around and answer. XD
Maybe I'll ignore you, for my family's sake.
I must go finish up ze packing now!
Love you....

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Throughout the Years: First (and Second) Grade(s)

First grade was interesting. This was the year I became homeschooled, so this was also kind of a two-pronged year.

I really did not like my teacher. Once, I forgot to raise my hand in class, and she made me write "I need more attention at home." a hundred times on that big-lined first grade paper, and take it home to my parents.
However, as I mentioned before, I was a smart kid. But my parents wanted to keep me in regular classes. The school's solution was to take me out of "specials" every day to put me in the Gifted program- a program for fifth graders. So every day, I dutifully missed library or music or art, and went and wrote research papers... for awhile, anyway. My parents did eventually complain, and the school's solution was to move my Gifted time to a private class, a half-hour before school. They did not inform my parents of this. Needless to say, I was late almost every day. I spent most of the three months I was in that class making a calendar, with different drawings for each month... They were really elaborate, and I worked really hard. Finally, on the front of the calendar, the teacher told me to write each month. (I would like to say that she never helped me with my projects.) I misspelled "February". I spelled it "F-e-b-u-r-a-r-y". She proceded to throw the entire calendar in the trash. Because I misspelled one word. So my parents decided to homeschool me. Unfortunately for me, they pulled me out the day before Dr. Seuss day. For that day, my father and I had built a life-size replica of a robot in a Dr. Seuss hat. We called it the "Book Bot", and it contained all my Dr. Seuss books. I won the contest- but I didn't get a prize, because I was at home, being homeschooled.
I don't actually remember very much about this, aside from joining homeschool group, which sucked. None of the homeschooled kids liked me, and it was weird. Like, we studied the way math worked in music and things like that. I took the first and third grade school board assessment tests that year, and passed both. (For those who don't know, when you're homeschooled[or privately tutored, as I was by my mother who used to be a schoolteacher] you have to do different things to prove to the state you can read and such. One is to take a test in [I think] first, third and fifth grades.)
In first grade, I was reading at a high school level. I was seven, I think. That was the year I fell in love with the Babysitter's Club, Boxcar Children and anything by Ruth Chew. There were other books, so many I can't tell you titles, but those series were huge.
We tried lots of curriculums, but we ended up doing Abeka for most of my schooling years at home. We did switch to Saxon math after third grade, because there was less busywork.
Now, you'll notice that the title says First (and Second) Grade(s).
This is because I skipped the second grade. I went straight from first to third. However, since my birthday is Oct. 3rd, I missed the cutoff, and spent time behind. I'm not sure if it's all evened out or not, because for the beginning of my senior year, I was sixteen, but that's why I'm not doing an entry on the second grade.

A short note, for those who care about my drug intake(and for my own future referrence): I've been doing really well yesterday and today. Sunday sucked- I was very depressed and angry... but I guess the drugs have started to do something good, because my mood has lifted a lot, though it's obviously from the medicine. I suppose the only way to describe it is that I feel a bit fuzzy- like those Claritin commercials, where the blurry strip is covering the picture. I feel good, but a little fuzzy. I'm also very tired.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Throughout the Years: Kindergarten

Kindergarten. Well, I actually went to two separate Kindergartens, and I remember a suprising amount.
I had a best friend, named Amy, and a boyfriend named Jonathan, who I later found out was also the boyfriend of Amy. We had a bit of a custody battle for awhile.
There was a girl named Sara, who stood at my bus line and used to bully me with her older sister, who I can't remember the name of, but was really mean.
I was in my first play, and I was a boat. Who fell off the stage. It was bad. XD
There was a computer game I played pretty much every time we had lab, that I've never seen again, but it involved colors and numbers and caterpillars, and it was adorable. I loved the game. A lot.
That's about it.
I was in Mrs. Smith's class. Hmm. We used to watch movies! Every week, a different kid got to bring in a movie, and we watched it for twenty mintutes at the end of the day if we were good.
I had a few best friends at that house, which was in the middle of town, where a lot of kids hung out. There was the girl across the street (Jessie), my next door neighbour (Sara Sue) and my best school chum (Courtney). I weighed 96 pounds, and I had brown hair and blue eyes. (Okay, so I have a poster of my kindergarten year. XD)
We had a chorus performance, at one point. My parents missed filming most of it, and I remember being really upset about it.
We had three playsets (six swings, two slides, monkey bars, an eagle's nest, a rope and a glider), so we were the most popular house to play at, and the neighborhood kids always came over to play. It was great. I wasn't the most popular kid, but I had tons of friends, and I was really happy.
I wrote a scientific journal, about dirt, I think this year, and I remember reading a lot of book, but I don't remember what, aside from tons of Disney books.
Oh! Because I could read, they asked me if I wanted to read to PreK, so I did, once a month... And they wanted to skip me to 3rd grade, at this point, but my parents wouldn't let me. Hey, if they'd done so, I would have already graduated!

Throughout the Years: Birth Through Kindergarten (Oops. I accidentally posted this to the wrong blog! Here now.)

(See! I told you I would!)

Alright... So when I was born, I was a big baby. I was born in a hospital, right outside of a well-known city in the United States, which was, according to my mum, the worst hospital in the entire world. This may have been because they didn't follow procedure and nearly caused her bladder to explode during my birth.

I don't remember anything from that house except for the experience where I slipped on the bathroom floor and chipped off a little piece of my front tooth. I still have a small hole at the top of my teeth where this happened- but this was my own doing, not the bathtub's.

I had a boyfriend then (most serious boyfriend I've ever had, actually) who kissed me in front of our parents, and held my hand a lot, and let me share his bed once. We stayed up talking all night, and were very proud of ourselves.

The year I started preschool was probably the most traumatic of the years I'm discussing in this entry. It was the year they told me I was a brunnette. All my life, until then, I'd been told I was a blonde. Then came preschool. We were instructed to each tell what our characteristics were- height, eye color, hair color, ect. At that point, the teacher felt the need to point out that I was incorrect in my assumption that I was a blonde. I was in fact, brunnette. I cried for days.

The next preschool, where my mother was the principal, was a very interesting place. I think I got into more trouble there than any other school I've attended. One mother brought her daughter in, and my mom had to admit that yes, I punched her daughter in the face. The fact that I had gash marks from the little girl's nails prior to this punching was irrelevant it seemed.

I don't remember having any friends at that school. I probably did, I just don't remember them.

I do remember hating grape juice. They would have grape juice once a week, and I HATED grape juice. I do love it now, but then, I would avoid it like the plague. I think that it's the one thing my tastes have changed on (besides coffee, which I now can't stand).

This is actually all I can remember from those years. That's pathetic... :/

Oh well.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Okay.... so I know... please don't send hatemail...

Alright. So I know that I promised to update daily... or at least every other day... and it's been eight days. I'm a terrible person. But this is going to be a really, really long blog, or possibly two blogs on the same day, because I have a ton of things to tell you all about.
Okay, so, I don't know if you all remember, but I mentioned about going to Guidance a few weeks ago, and them basically telling me they couldn't help me without notifying my parents. On Thursday, however, I got called to the doctor's, and she told me I could try an antidepressant, without my parents being notified. So I've picked up the perscription, and I'm taking this. I'll let you all know how that goes...
Hmm... Lets see... Oh! So that girl I'm in love with has once again hit the rut of wanting to split up with her current boyfriend. This should seem good to me, except for the fact that I know she'll actually go ahead and start dating someone new before even considering me as an option.
Uhhhh... College applications have mostly been sent in. I've been watching a ridiculous amount of vlogs on youtube, notably meekakitty, ermastrikesback and otherjuicystar07. I know. I'm ridic.
I'm pretty sure I failed my French SAT Subject Test, though the English one went well.
Alright, so this hasn't actually been a long blog, but I have been planning to do a little bit of a blog series over the next few weeks, called "Throughout the Years". This is an idea I've stolen from youtube, and here's how it works. In each blog, you discuss a year in your school life, starting with Birth-Preschool, and continuing as far as your education goes. Simple, right? The reason for this series is mainly because I've been working on a long, "about me" blog, and it's not really getting anywhere, simply because I want to write everything everywhere, so this will be simpler.
Hmmm. This week my family is leaving for Florida, so blogs might be sketchy on the trip, though I'll try to stay on top of it...
Anyway, bed for now, I think, but I'll have a new blog up TOMORROW. Promise. :) <3 you all!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Grace (Fiction, Work In Progress... Feedback in the comments? :) )

(The scene opens on a bare stage, with a single spotlight just left of center. GRACE sits calmly in the spot in a folding chair, as though waiting for an interview, smiling serenely at her audience.)

GRACE: My name is Grace.

(Light changes, which will repeat every time G.T. Grace speaks- GRACE tableaus, half-lit, while G.T. Grace speaks.)

Good Time Grace (From here referred to as G.T. Grace): Good-Time Grace, if truth be told. Number scrawled on nearly every bathroom wall from here to Washington DC in the lip liner of other, less honorable girls.

GRACE: I know I’ve been quoted as the girl who “ will take your gray skies, and paint them all to shades of blue.”

G.T. Grace: It’s the other way around really. I’ll take my paint box and muddle your colors until everything is gloomy. It’s only who I am. I don’t mean to make you sad.

GRACE: I hate to leave this place- as long as I’ve lived here, I’ve always been welcomed, and had more friends than I honestly know what to do with.

G.T. Grace: Not that they really mind much. Friends, just like me, are for the good times. Times like this, when there’s nobody to talk to but yourself, is when you make those realizations.

GRACE: I couldn’t have done it without the loving support of my boyfriend, Smith.

G.T. Grace: Probably won’t speak of him again after next week. He’s getting boring to me, I think. Boys leave me cold. They’re only good for one thing, and it’s cash. Cold, hard cash.

GRACE: The past four years, I’ve been a leader in our community.

G.T. Grace: Though, what kind of leader, I’m not really sure.

GRACE: I’m very concerned about the growing rates of drug and alcohol abuse in teens, so I’ve been working to reduce it for the past three years, and I think we’ve made great progress.

G.T. Grace: Wouldn’t it be great if they knew that I can’t convince one of my only friends to stop smoking and getting smashed on school nights.

GRACE: And in my spare time, oh, I volunteer a lot, helping with a local children’s group, but my guilty pleasure is that I like to knit.

G.T. Grace: My guilty pleasure is knitting, it’s true- but in my spare time, I run a subversive website chronicling all the problems with society, using language that would make these people cringe.

GRACE: If I could have one wish for the world, I think I’d have to say that I would wish for everyone to love each other.

G.T. Grace: Love each other- ha. In what way would more loving be a good thing for me? Those disgusting hands that creep across your skin are the reason to beg for love? Those hurt eyes when you walk away are why you say your prayers?

GRACE: Now, as most of you know, I read the announcements every morning.

G.T. Grace: Even though half the time, the cheery voice is false, and my teeth clench around their names.

GRACE: So I think you should all know, that I love Jesus.

G.T. Grace: I love Jesus, because Jesus will always love me, and most days, he’s all I’ve got.

GRACE: And I love all of you.

G.T. Grace: Even the jerks I walk the halls with.

GRACE: After today, we’ll all move on into the world- a little wiser, a littler older, but each and every one of us will have learned something in these four years.

G.T. Grace: I never said it had to be positive.

GRACE: And I know you will all support me in the future, just as I support you.

G.T. Grace: Although I’ve never really been supported here. Not at all. They’ve always called me stuck up, or too damn depressed for my own good. Not that I’m really surprised, just slightly hurt. I’d never have expected that the nail’s head would throb quite like this.

(Fuzzy lighting on BOTH)

BOTH: My name is Grace. Good-Time Grace, actually. I grew up in a small town, and in a small town, everybody remembers everything- except what really happened. When I was a kid, there was this boy, and some things happen that linger in the fuzzy recesses of my mind as a bad, but nearly imaginary memory. But as the rumors flew, I lost control. I was suddenly Good-Time Grace, no matter that my clothes were loose and modest, or that my face boasted no makeup. I was the worst kind of tease- the kind that wasn’t. I’m older now- old enough to know what it means, and to notice the things I lack, and the things I receive. I am appreciative, dear town, dear friends, dear loved ones. You have given me what I always dreamed of- A title.

(GRACE steps into center, smiling broadly.)

GRACE: I’m so privileged to have the honor of giving this speech. I don’t have much else to say, except that we did it, and how proud I am of the accomplishments we made. And so, for the last time, this is Grace-

G.T. Grace: Good-Time Grace, actually-

GRACE: Over and out.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Just a quick post...

Yes, I know, I've been glaringly absent, and I promise you a nice big post tomorrow after my tests.
However, I did want to respond to a comment I recieved a couple posts back about maturity and things like that.
The post in question (bitch is bitching, I think it's called... two posts before this, at any rate), was about my best friend, who I've known since infancy (pretty much the only person that's happened with- we move a lot)... and the whole issue is a lot larger and more complex than I let on in that short blog. It was complaining(there's no way around it), but it was honest. I am honest with you guys, every single post (unless marked fiction) is 100% truth.
My friend isn't always around anymore- but that doesn't mean she loves me less or doesn't care, she's really just busy, and I know that. But this entire blog is based on emotion- my emotions, which are often irrational and intense.
My point is, though I do whine, I do love her, and I respect that we can't be attached at the hip. I don't anticipate things always staying the same- that would be overly naive of me. But I do miss our previous closeness.
I appreciate the comment, just wanted to clear up any misconception. :)